Known Bugs

Keep them coming friends:

  1. Turn Timer: the functionality for the turn timer does not currently skip a turn when it reaches zero. It will however prevent the current player from taking an action. This is our highest priority known issue and hope to have it resolved soon.

    1. Workaround #1 - If your turn timer reaches zero but you are still actively playing the game, you can refresh your page and your timer will reset allowing you extra time to take an action and pass the turn

    2. Workaround #2 - If you are playing a paid match and your opponent disconnects because you are winning and they want to be an a$$hole, reach out in the UFC Discord thread with a screenshot of your match and you will be award the winning prize for that match. Please note that the entry fee for the paid matches are taken out upon starting the match, so the disconnecting player has no incentive to not complete a game as their tokens have already been paid and do not get returned whether or not you complete a match.

  2. Timer on Team Selection Page: similar to the Turn Timer bug listed above, the timer on the team selection page has been turned off. Again, both players are incentivized to complete the match, but if this does not happen, please send a message and we'll take care of you until this is resolved.

  3. If you click on the Play a Card button when you don't have any in your library, you'll see a quasi-blank animation overlay appear. You can click anywhere to continue and try to Draw a Card first.

Last updated